The hare and tortoise story revisited for SEO

Quality or Speed?

Why steady and persistent efforts wins the race when it comes to search engine optimization.

We’ve all heard the classic story of the hare and the tortoise while growing up, haven’t we? We love that one especially, because it’s just apt for search engine marketing.

Everyone these days wants super quick results. How often do we get clients that want “Top Google ranks” like yesterday? Unfortunately, SEO doesn’t work like that. There have been times when we do have to turn down some really pushy clients because of unrealistic expectations. Then there are some clients who start but don’t have the stamina to last more than a few months, thereby giving up and writing off their ‘investment’ as a loss, rather prematurely.

Search engine optimization is a steady, well-planned and iterative process involving a number of different activities.

Things start right from the research phase where we analyze the target audience and study keywords, competitors and the overall market that we’re targeting. A well-crafted SEO campaign is one where the homework is done thoroughly before starting.

And that’s where many SEO pros tend to skimp, and unfortunately, many of them then resort to shortcuts and shady SEO tactics including, but not limited to keyword stuffing, generating spammy backlink profiles, plagiarizing content and other shortcut techniques. Theses are the bad foxes out there to make a quick buck and give the entire profession a bad name. Some of them achieve initial rankings really fast, but they drop off equally quickly. Some even end up getting their client profiles penalized in the process and wiped out from search results entirely.

A well-crafted SEO campaign is one where the homework is done thoroughly before starting.

Over the years, we’ve had many clients come to us after getting their fingers burned like this. Those that are willing to go the long haul and willing to be patient, get to see consistently improving SEO results month after month. And we help them achieve solid, unbeatable results even amidst stiff competition.

While it’s not wrong wanting to see SEO results in a reasonable time frame – and we do acknowledge that for many clients time is of essence – this should not come at the cost of solid research & planning, consistent implementation and sound technical know-how. Somewhere, we need to strike a fine balance between the plus points of being the hare and the tortoise.

That’s where our expertise comes in. As an SEO agency in Mumbai that serves clients globally, we’ve been through the grind to know what works and what doesn’t. Our affordable SEO campaigns have helped clients generate millions of dollars in ROI and achieve top rankings consistently.

To Summarize:

  • SEO is a sustained, on-going effort where consistency is the key.

  • A well-planned SEO campaign involves solid research, and a number of iterative on-site and off-site activities.

  • There is no shortcut to achieving consistent, sustainable top ranks on search engines.

  • A well-crafted SEO campaign will achieve fantastic results in a reasonable time frame.

Get started with SEO for your business today!